a canister of oil and a toolbox
Car Batteries: Why Don’t They Last Long In Florida?

While the Sunshine state’s warm weather may seem nice at the beach, it’s not so kind to your car.

5 Ways to Care For Your Transmission

The transmission is an essential part of any vehicle.

Signs Your Car Needs an Alignment

When we talk about your car needing an alignment, we’re not talking about it needing braces.

Gainesville’s Trusted Auto Mechanics for 30 Years

For over 30 years, our mission at City Auto Repair has been to repair the brokenness in cars, the people that drive them, and the communities that rely on them.

How Often Should I Get an Oil Change?

Why do we get upset or surprised when we turn the key to our car’s ignition, and it won’t start?

Engine Repair: 5 Signs Something’s Wrong

Here in Gainesville and North Central Florida, we don’t have an extensive public transportation system like they do in larger urban areas.
